the LeechGet Browser Interface |
Internet Explorer 6.x or higher
LeechGet comes with a build-in interface for the Internet Explorer.
You can use it to "catch" clicks on links in the Internet
Explorer and have them transferred to LeechGet. To activate
it, simply select the option "Catch links from Internet
Explorer" in the "General" tab of the Options
Dialog. You can as well use the menu "New Download"
and then "Catch IExplorer Clicks" in the file menu
to toggle the plug-in state.
Please note that this interface only works with Internet Explorer
Version 6.0 and above, any other version doesn't work!
prevent LeechGet from catching links even though the interface
is activated, simply hold the CTRL-key when clicking on
a link. This
hotkey will not work on Windows 98! |
You can configure which type of files are caught in the Option
Dialog, tab "General".
Other Browsers (Netscape, Opera and Mozilla)
In order to get support for these browsers, go to http://www.leechget.net
and download the newest Netscape/Opera/Mozilla Plug-In (in fact,
it's the same plug-in for all three browsers). There, you will
as well find detailed information about how to use and install
the Plug-In.